- SuperClean
Dilution Chart Chart

SuperClean Brands, LLC has been recognized with the distinguished awards of Best Places to Work and Best Companies to Work For, year after year. That’s not coincidental. For the past decade, we’ve utilized the expertise of the people and resources at Employee Strategies MN to help maintain a finger on the pulse and make continual improvements to our workplace culture that keep us ahead of the competition and winning these prestigious awards.

Workplace culture and employee satisfaction are two aspects of a thriving business that all-too-many owners and managers take for granted. It’s very easy to push these things aside for the sake of just getting the job done but those who know better know that these are key components to growing and maintaining a work environment where employees know that they are valued and integral to success. This builds loyalty and work ethic that companies can’t simply buy.

When Bryan Badzin, President of SuperClean Brands, LLC took over the company in 2009, he began working with Employee Strategies MN. The goal was to create a company that was not only successful but that employed people, strategies, and practices that worked to build that success on a daily basis.

Super Clean management makes it a priority to actively seek feedback from employees on an continuous basis in addition to the Pulse Survey, taken twice a year, which allows employees to provide feedback anonymously by answering targeted questions ranging from job satisfaction to how they feel the company as a whole is doing. What really makes the difference at Super Clean is that the feedback doesn’t just sit in a file. It is reviewed by management and acted upon.  Super Clean is a dynamic company that moves in real time; making adjustments and changes as needed to keep things moving forward and getting better every day.

Employee Strategies MN has been the catalyst for this continued improvement providing Super Clean with the tools and resources needed to do this research and implement real changes within the company. Their guidance and support lays a groundwork that management can easily navigate to establish goals and ultimately produce award-winning results.

Learn more by clicking here to watch the video.


SuperClean Brands, LLC produces Super Clean Tough Task Cleaner-Degreasers designed to clean the toughest greasiest and grimiest messes super easy and super fast. Established 40 years ago, Super Clean has its roots in the automotive industry, but has expanded its reach to many other industries with a variety of applications including industrial, marine, farming, and general household cleaning. Super Clean products are biodegradable and phosphate-free to be easy on the environment yet tough on grease and grime. Super Clean is available at most automotive retail stores, Walmart, and online from Amazon.

For more information about Super Clean, visit our website at www.superclean.com and connect with us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

Learn more about Employee Strategies MN on their website: www.esinc.mn