- SuperClean
Dilution Chart Chart

Ok guys I’m gonna let you know about this product I found while watching YouTube! I was looking for easier ways to clean my arch nemesis, my vent hood in the kitchen. I absolutely hate cleaning it, it’s always a horrible ordeal. So I bought this product, Super Clean. I sprayed it on my greasy mess of a vent hood, and I swear it melted the grease right off, no scrubbing I rinsed it with warm water and dried it. That was it! For the top I soaked a sponge with it and wiped it dry with a paper towel!! I give this stuff a million ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️’s it’s inexpensive and they sell it everywhere. I bought it at Ace. Totally recommend if you are the cleaning lady of the house and you hate your vent hood!