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Memorial Day is fast approaching and while it’s one of the biggest grilling days of the year, don’t forget to take the time to attend a local memorial event to remember the men and women who have died defending our freedom. Later on, here are some tips to make your “Freedom BBQ” even better!

Prep Work – Cleaning

  • If you still have residue on your grill from the last year (or two), make sure you get it cleaned up before you throw those baby back ribs on there. Nobody wants to taste old charcoal residue.
  • Pull those dingy racks off the grill, hose them down with water and spray on SuperClean Cleaner-Degreaser at full strength. Let them sit for a few minutes, then rub a scrub brush over them. Rinse thoroughly with water, fire up your grill to burn off any residue, and you’re ready for grilling!

Prep Work – Grilling

  • If you’re grilling ribs for Memorial Day, it’s best to take your time. Oven cook them for five to six hours, then throw them on the grill for another hour or two.
  • For added flavor, apply a dry rub the day before and let it sit in the refrigerator overnight.


BBQ Ribs cooking on grill

Super Easy – Grilling

  • Oil the food, not the grate – the oil won’t stick to your grill and you’ll have more caramelization on your meat.
  • Use what Elizabeth Karmel calls the “Grilling Trilogy”: coat your food with olive oil, sprinkle with black pepper and add salt right before grilling so your meat doesn’t dry out.

Super Easy – Clean up

  • After you’ve enjoyed your BBQ, wait until your grill has cooled off completely, pull those grilling grates off again, grab some SuperClean and use at full strength. Let them sit for ten minutes, rinse off, put them back on the grill and get back to your friends, family, and other things you love!
  • Don’t forget to use SuperClean on your grilling utensils, too. Use a 3:1 ratio on spatulas, tongs, thermometers, etc. so they are ready to go the next time you need them.

From everyone at SuperClean, we wish you all a meaningful Memorial Day weekend. We also send a special thank you to those who’ve died and their families for the sacrifices they’ve made to protect our great country!