- SuperClean
Dilution Chart Chart

That fresh spring breeze is in the air and boaters are itching to get out on the water! Sadly, you won’t get too far if your boat currently looks like this.

Dirty Boat with tarp in woods

If you procrastinated cleaning your boat last fall and are dreading the task, here are some helpful tips that will help you clean your boat with ease and put you on the water faster!

  1. Boat Upholstery: SuperClean will work great on your vinyl seats! Make sure you are diluting 1 part SuperClean to 8 parts water and any grime will wipe right off with a rag or brush.
  2.  Deck: Spray some SuperClean onto your boat deck, wait a few minutes and then hose the dirt clean off. Check out the dilution chart for recommended water ratios.
  3. Bilge Pump: You can’t get that boat on the water if you have a bilge pump that you haven’t cleaned season after season. For that challenge, we recommend using SuperClean at full strength.
  4. Boat Exterior: Don’t use a power hose for this one! Measure out your SuperClean/Water proportions, and use a bucket with a sponge to clean off algae, dirt and grease that has been living happily on your boat’s exterior.  Use a soft towel to dry off before you rewax, if needed.
  5. Boat Covers: Clean off your canvas boat cover while you’re in the cleaning mode. With an 8:1 ratio, take the extra time now to save it later when you’re floating down the river on Memorial Day with your family.

Guy washing large boat with brush on extension rodAnd just like that, you’re using your boat instead of cleaning it!